Coach Spotlight - Marisa Tice

Meet one of my amazing coaches, Marisa Tice!! She was a challenger of mine when FocusT25 was initially released and had awesome results...and she hasn't stopped since. She is now a coach and leading and teaching others how to live a healthy life too! 

Her story....

"My struggle began in middle school and I ended up trying weight watchers before the 8th grade. I'm definitely not naturally thin and I did use food to cope at times. Even then I was active, but struggled with over eating. I vividly recall sitting in high school passing up on lunch because a girlfriend gave me an otc diet pill. I would weigh myself religiously and watch the numbers as I lost and gained. While at the University of Alabama, I once again joined weight watchers and tried to stay on track with healthy eating and exercising. After graduation, I began my career with Pfizer where I promote medications that improve patients quality of life and hopefully assist with day to day functioning. At the beginning of my career, I was of course a life time member of weight watchers and started making improvements with fitness by joining a local gym in Muscle Shoals. For the first time in a while, I felt like I had a handle on my fitness. Unfortunately, after marriage and a 2 year struggle with infertility, I once again resorted to making unhealthy nutrition choices. I gained 70 pounds with my first and 55 with my second.

When Isaac was 8 months old, I was determined to get on track. I turned to my previous diet plan and was able to rid some of the weight. Last June, a dear friend called and began to discuss a potential challenge group through Beachbody and clean eating. I thought about it for 1 whole day I think...then decided to do it! What did I have to lose? I needed back in my business suits and I was desperate to conquer this weight issue! In addition, this tired mommy needed energy and the GI issues to subside.

Will this always be a struggle? Probably. Do I feel like I finally have control of it? Absolutely! Through relying on scripture, Beachbody, and an amazing husband, I now feel healthy. I'm constantly asked why I'm still dieting, and the answer is always the same...For the first time in my life, I'm not dieting! This is my lifestyle. The fitness programs are so doable! I love the amazing whole foods I can eat. I love the portion control. I love that if I mess up... my fitness journey is not over. I love not needing a gym or time away from my family. I love that through Beachbody, I am helping others see amazing results. I love the friendships and support I have gained through it all.

My desire is to always continue my journey to stay healthy and set a good example for my family. I have a passion to see others succeed and absolutely love motivating people. Each week when I'm waiting on results to come in from my challenge groups, I get so excited! Mostly, because I know my challengers are starting to feel in control of their journey and regaining their confidence. Looking fit is just a bonus, right?"

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and SELF-CONTROL." Galatians 5:22-23


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