21 Day Fix: Week 2

We are heading into week 2 of the 21 Day Fix! I am super excited about this week!!  I think everyone is starting to get the hang of meal planning, portions, and the workouts!  Week 1 was great! I love sharing the journey with my challengers!  It's great seeing them share their successes, struggles, recipes and motivation! They end up motivating me too!

We just got home from our first trip to Costco and I was very pleased with their selection of organic food! (picture below of what we bought)

I'm about to head to Publix to finish off our grocery needs for the week!

pictured:  blueberries, strawberries, salsa, avocados, pepper jack cheese, babybel cheese, beef, chicken, wild caught fish, almond butter, peanut butter, eggs, and chicken tenders and cereal for the girls!

On the menu for week 2:

Oatmeal shakeology (oats, blueberries, 1/2 scoop shakeology, coconut oil, and chia seeds)
Omelet and food for life cinnamon raisin bread

yogurt and fruit (my favorite way to make my yogurt is plain yogurt with a little powdered peanut butter and a few drops of  liquid vanilla stevia topped with sliced apples)

Salad (kale/spinach, sweet peppers, tomatoes, chia seeds, avocado, olive oil and vinegar

Shakeology (chocolate or strawberry)

Avocado Turkey Burgers and sweet potato fries
Body Beast Meatloaf and corn
Chicken and Veggies

Check out my facebook page for pictures and recipes this week!!

Here are a few pics  from week 1. The containers hold alot more food than you think!!!

 omelet, cinnamon raisin toast, pb yogurt and apple, salad, shake and lemon water!
 shakeology oatmeal
lunch salad
strawberry shakeology milkshake
chicken fajita bake


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