Challenger Spotlight - Bailey!

I am super proud of Bailey!!! Read Bailey's story below!

"I couldn't have done it without you, and the challenge groups!! You kept me accountable and motivated and on track! Clean eating was sooo easy to do, just switching some basic pantry staples and of course adding in all the yummy fruits and veggies! My whole family loves all of your recipes you post! Thank you!! Shakeology is delicious, and it makes me feel good drinking it, knowing it's full of all those vitamins and super foods!! Plus it feels like a cheat meal bc it's sooo good!!! 21 Day Fix was a great program to get started with bc it changed my whole view on portion size, which I was WAY OVER EATING!! I personally love how you have to keep up with color containers. It gives me a great visual on tracking my meals, and what I need more of , or less of! That has been a totally game changer, and it helps me to make better choices, and be prepared for those "afternoon cravings" that have always been a challenge for me! 
After doing the 21 day fix, and seeing the positive way my body responded to the healthier lifestyle, I have more confidence, I feel like I'm a better role model as a mom, and I just feel all over better in life! 
I joined the gym last month, which was a huge step for me! I loved the Beachbody videos bc I could do them from the privacy of my own home, and no one could judge me! It was also about convenience! There was no time for excuses, and in the beginning I was FULL of excuses! Haha!! But now that I've built confidence, I don't mind going to the gym, or sweating in public! I owe that to the bb videos! Also, while I'm bragging on BB, I have to tell you that I LOVE PIYO!!! I was frustrated at 1st bc I wasn't loosing any weight with it, BUT I gained so much strength and balance!!! It completely changed my core, aka mommy belly!!! Plus Chalene is amazing! She so energetic! I love her personality, as well as Autumn's!! 
Sorry if I was rambling or all over the place! Haha!! I just get so excited sharing what it has done for me!!!"


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